Heat Treated Lumber Supplier
Boone Valley Forest Products quickly turned around an order for a customer needing heat treated lumber for export. In less than 3 hours we had gotten the order, cut the 4×4’s to length, stamped them with the heat treated wood stamp for dunnage lumber, and had them on a truck headed to our customer in …
Heat Treated Lumber For Export
There are a lot of lumber wholesalers misleading potential customers about what type of heat treated lumber stamps are needed for export. In most cases these suppliers simply don’t have the resources and correct stamps available to them to sell the appropriate lumber. So they sell what they do have access to, even if it’s against the …
Heat Treated Lumber & Dunnage Lumber
Missouri’s forests extend over 14 million acres, nearly twice the forested land of Iowa, Illinois, Kansas and Nebraska combined. Boone Valley’s sawmill sits right in the middle of the state and produces oak dunnage lumber every day. We can also provide heat treating of our products for export use. Let us know how we can …
Heat Treated Lumber
We recently provided a solution for a customer requiring oak dunnage lumber that needed to be exported. The huge timbers were 10 x 18 x 72″, and were heat treated and stamped for export. Boone Valley can provide any type of heated lumber for export you need. Give us a call! …
Heat Treated Lumber: OSB
Many companies wishing to export their products don’t realize that an all OSB and plywood crate is not required to have a Heat Treated Lumber stamp. If the crate has both lumber and OSB or plywood as part of its construction, then the crate would require an HT lumber stamp. This is a picture of an …
Heat Treated Lumber For Export: Oak Chocks
One of the products that we provide for our customers are chocks and wedges that are heat treated for export. We recently produced a chock that was pre-drilled at our facility for easy nailing by our customer, heat treated and then stamped with our export dunnage stamp. We can produce nearly any size of chock …
Heat Treated Lumber For Export
Boone Valley recently provided a heat treated dunnage solution for a customer in California. The company needed lumber for containers with a specific and unusual height. In addition, because it was being shipped overseas, it required the use of heat treated lumber for export. Our Custom Crate Division came up with a simple and inexpensive …
No Stamp Needed
One of our customers needed a very sturdy pallet made for shipping their product out of the United States. Because of the heavy weight and long length of his material (22′), we designed a pallet that utilized pine 3 x 8 x 20′ timbers for the base. This prevented the pallet from bowing in the …
Will Lumber Usage In China Affect Pricing In US?
Finding Value In The Forest Posted: May 10, 2011 10:13 AM by Aaron Levitt Lumbering Along With the American housing market still in the proverbial toilet, lumber seems like an unlikely portfolio candidate. However, growth abroad could help return American lumber exports to prominence. Worldwide demand for softwood lumber rose nearly 18% in 2010. Global …
Heat Treated Lumber For Export
Dunnage Stamp vs. Finished Stamp….. We are hearing from more and more companies, needing heat treated lumber for export, that have been misled about the correct HT export stamps they need. If a company sells you lumber that has been stamped with an IPPC mark, and then you cut that piece of lumber up and …