Heat Treated Lumber & Dunnage Lumber
Missouri’s forests extend over 14 million acres, nearly twice the forested land of Iowa, Illinois, Kansas and Nebraska combined. Boone Valley’s sawmill sits right in the middle of the state and produces oak dunnage lumber every day. We can also provide heat treating of our products for export use. Let us know how we can …
Will Lumber Usage In China Affect Pricing In US?
Finding Value In The Forest Posted: May 10, 2011 10:13 AM by Aaron Levitt Lumbering Along With the American housing market still in the proverbial toilet, lumber seems like an unlikely portfolio candidate. However, growth abroad could help return American lumber exports to prominence. Worldwide demand for softwood lumber rose nearly 18% in 2010. Global …
Changes in Truck Driver Hours-of-Service Rules: Potential Impact on Shippers/Receivers
Source: American Trucking Association White Paper – January 2011 On December 23, 2010, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) proposed seven changes to the current hours of service (HOS) rules. FMCSA has proposed a number of changes to the maximum/working hours for truck drivers that will impact shippers in a variety of ways. These …